2022 accomplishments

Karine Sabatier
4 min readDec 11, 2022


Every year in December I ask myself “what are you able to do that you weren’t at the same time last year?”. This introspective moment is meant as a kind of personal celebration of hard work, deliberate practice and consistency. This keeps me going on.

So what are my 2022 achievements?

More Figma knowledge

Last year I worked on an entire app (desktop + mobile version + a back office) and its design library. This year I used Figma mostly to design other types of contents: interactive slideware, illustrations, animated graphics. I started to share the files and even got some attention from the community. I just wish I had more time to write about it.

Eco-design first steps

I made my first attempt at eco-design for the the “Ralentir” web series (“Slow down”). I got to explore various headless CMS options (I chose Publii), look for ecofriendly hosting and of course, apply some low-tech-low-impact-low-maintenance good practice during the design phase.

It felt like 1995 again 😊

I learned a new language on Duolingo

As I write those words I spent 85 days learning a new language on Duolingo. It’s not enough to be fully autonomous but I can manage a small and slow conversation. Check the app, it’s really amazing what you can take away from their pedagogy process.

I learned to live in autonomy for 5 days

In June I embarked on a 5 days paddling journey with Explora Project. I learned to live, eat, sleep and travel on a paddle on the Tarn river. No electricity, no phone, no water, no toilet. Nothing but what we could take with us on our waterproof backpacks : food, a few clothes, a sleeping bag, a filtering water bottle, a bar of soap and that’s pretty much it. Looking back, it’s definitely one of the happiest moments of my life.

And I think about it! It was also the time when I got to crawl into caves and try a little caving for the first time. It was fun… and scary.

Another Summercamp

An important milestone of this year was the return of Summercamp! This time it was not held by Le Shift but by a group of volunteers who brought their time, ideas and energy together to make it happen. Not so much of a learning but a reminder that auto-organization makes wonders provided that people are intrinsicly motivated and that you give them the space to express themselves. Though I already knew this (and that’s also what I’m paid for : to help people develp autonomy in their organization) I got to observe the perfect implementation of it. And it’s addictive. There will be another. Stay tuned :)

A new Product Marketing Management training

I’m putting the final touch to a 3-day training for Product Marketing Managers. Contact me if you’re interested, it’s going to be a lot of fun and practical workshops!

Not so much learnings or big achievements but continuous improvement I worked on to spare time and facilitate future accomplishments :

  • I made thumbnails in my Figma and Miro accounts to make it clean and handy
  • I killed half of the domain names I used to register but not really use
  • I updated my graphic recording practice to take notes during conferences.

What about you? What are you now capable of doing that you weren’t just a year ago? And more importantly: What are you going to learn from now on?



Karine Sabatier
Karine Sabatier

Written by Karine Sabatier

I don't use AI to write about Product Management and Product Design expertise.

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